Congratulations Stan! Happy Birthday to you!
Isn't 70 the number for complete perfection? ;-)
Congratulations Stan! Happy Birthday to you!
Isn't 70 the number for complete perfection? ;-)
in case you're not aware of my last two threads:.
the situation that arose in that my mother has been having secret access to my daughter and refusing to tell me how she is:
the build up to my solicitors visit:
Very good. Thank you very much for sharing!
I'll drink one tonight to celebrate for you ;-)
today a government meeting re.
child abuse & jw was held.
see this post.
They are begging for money. And the first persons they plant to hire aren’t child abuse specialists, not scientists, not psychologists, but LAWYERS, plural, for unstated and ambiguous reasons.
Seems like you're describing Watchtower again ;-)
More serioislt, do you think Watchtower child abuse policies are flawless, or are they flawed?
following up on this thread:!#5179106934128640.
im seeing my solicitor tomorrow to see about getting an order in place making sure any contact my daughter has with my jw family goes through me and not my ex-wife.. explained the situation briefly to the lawyer, she was asking more and more about why should i be concerned if a jw had access to my child.. i mentioned the blood issue, the shunning, the inappropriate pictures of armageddon in books/mags etc.
do you think i should bring in watchtower literature to show them what i mean?
You would never accept less than a package deal if they wanted to come over to your place to see her, and you wouldn't drop her off and turn tail and run in shame either. Fuck that.
I second that.
today a government meeting re.
child abuse & jw was held.
see this post.
All Netherlands has to do make mandatory reporting law, country wide.
Don't you think it's strange that God's supposedly clean people with the highest standard of morality of all needs worldly law makers to tell them crimes should be reported to the police, and children need to be protected from abuse?
If JW were really gods people they'd be an example for the world instead of the other way around.
today a government meeting re.
child abuse & jw was held.
see this post.
Watchtower (and others) can be made subject to mandatory reporting of child abuse. No religious liberties at stake there.
In fact, Dutch law already requires that everyone who has knowledge of serious crimes like rape report it to the police. Those who don't risk prosecution.
They can be forced to create, publish and implement a proper child protection policy.
They can be required to appoint and properly educate people who'd act as internal contact point for child abuse cases.
They can be required to demand official 'statements of good behavior' before appointing elders.
There are lots of things that can be done to improve the situation without infringing on personal or religious freedom.
today a government meeting re.
child abuse & jw was held.
see this post.
Yeah, sure. Then why did their lawyer suggest they hand over child abuse files? Obviously, to solicit victims
Already way over 200 victims have contacted RV. They hardly need to 'solicit'. This is an avalanche of suffering, caused in part by Watchtower.
and encourage them to sue in an attempt to drain them financially. This isn’t rocket science.
If you know anything about the Dutch legal system, you'd know monetary compensation for anything are jokes around here. This is not the USA. Trying to drain Watchtower financially by seeking compensation payments is useless in the Netherlands.
This has never been and will never be about protecting children of Jehovahs Witnesses.
You are describing Watchtower perfectly. Maybe even your own mindset.
Whatdo you do to improve the situation of child abuse victims within JW. At least RV is doing something. Don't accuse others of not caring for victims of you haven't done a single thing to help them yourself.
If it were, RV would go after the parents of abused children and demand answers as to why they failed their children.
JW parents' behavior is in large part a result of Watchtower doctrine, policies and culture. Don't JW normally pride themselves in having been reformed thanks to Watchtower? In cases like these, with elders having knowledge of abuse but not supporting victims to go to the police, or even discouraging them to do so, Watchtower is at least partly responsible. Their policies are damaging, and need to change.
But WT has the deeper pockets, and retribution is in order.
We'll see about that. Normally it's the mythical, loving Yahweh who seeks retribution, even if that means having to kill his own child as payment to himself. So I can see why you assume everyone thinks like that.
Zoals de waard is vertrouwt hij zijn gasten.
today a government meeting re.
child abuse & jw was held.
see this post.
The goal of Reclaimed Voices is not to bring down Watchtower. The goal is to push Watchtower to make changes and improve their child abuse handling policies.
let's call him "dave".. dave: hello?.
dave: we dont have to tell you how she is.
dave: <her mother> has custody.
First, you left your daughter's beautiful name in your post. Maybe you want to change that to improve anonymity?
As for the topic at hand: don't bark at the wrong tree. Your mother is not really a party here.
If you and your ex have agreed to keep each other informed on your daughter's whereabouts, your beef is with your ex. Plan some time and sit down with her to discuss this.
Your mother and sister being rude cult followers is painful and very annoying, but seems not really relevant for the question at hand.
some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
As cofty explains, these people didn't necessarily all lie, they may very well have truly believed Jesus rose from the dead.
Strong emotions can make people 'experience' weird things.
Strong beliefs can make people 'experience' weird things as well.
Combine the two, and quite strange stories may result.
Could it be that the women actually saw the gardener, not a ressurected Jesus? Could it be that the gardener decided to play along a little bit, for whatever reason (maybe simply to comfort those women)? Could it be that the other disciples were so much influenced by the words of the women and their own emotions and desires that they too perceived the gardener as being a ressurected Jesus? Could it be that the gardener took off once things went too far, and the his disappearence became a mythical ascension when the stories were written down decades later?
It's all quite plausible. To me more so than someone being raised from the death.
Countless other events might also explain the stories.
People are known to be highly susceptible to suggestion and delusion.
(Some very nice examples can be found here: )
Regardless, the stories about all this were written decades after the alleged facts, by people who by then had a belief system completely depending on the story being true. They might have added some elements here and there. Just a tiny claim about how many people witnessed an event. Just a tiny anecdote about Jesus entering a locked room or showing his stigmata. Just a story about angel Moroni and his golden plates. Just a story about seeing a cross and In Hoc Signo Vinces in the sky.
All that is not unheard of. People are known to sincerely misremember events that happened long ago. They are known to embellish stories about their country, their religion, their leader.
What is really the difference between some of the extraordinary claims collected in the Bible, and similar extraordinary claims made by others?
Why believe one, not the others?